Thursday, December 31, 2015

How to Live Life to the Fullest in 2016 ~ According to Abandonista

How to Live to the Fullest in 2016

It is easy to want revenge, and sometimes it may be sweet...but in the end those who hurt you are doing it because they see in you, things that lack in themselves.

Of the things that are most important to hold tight to, a sense of humor is one of the top.  Life will throw you curve balls, bad situations, and horrible circumstances...when you can no longer see humor, you're in trouble.

Never take life too seriously.  

Face your fears.  Being underground in tunnels in the dark horrifies me but some of the most amazing moments would never have happened if I hadn't the trust or courage to follow through darkness.

Find your roots, get to know them, hold onto them.

Look closely.  There is magic everywhere.

Pain, true-real-gut wrenching pain, is crippling.
Sometimes we have to embrace it, own it, and let it take us to the depths.
Once you let the pain own you, you can in turn own the pain.  And when you own it, you can begin to erase it, rebuild it, and mold it into a constructive force in your life.
And once you can turn pain into something positive, you have conquered it.  And you will be stronger.

Things break.  Things fall down.  Fix them, build from it, move forward stronger than ever.

Use scarce times and hard moments to encourage you to bend yourself to the form that will help you continue to grow.

Define yourself.  Define yourself by who YOU ARE.  Never base your definition of who you are or who you can become on who someone else is in your life or sees you...because if they are meant to be in your life, they will simply supplement who you are on your own, not control you or change you.

Educate yourself.

Work your butt off to reach your goals.

Life isn't easy.  Suck it up.  CHOOSE to see the silver lining.  Capture that lining and make it the frame for your next masterpiece.

Bet...on yourself.  Then run your ass off so you come in 1st.

Never say no to a worthy challenge.

When you do stupid EPIC stupid things.

No matter who we are, how off the wall, we all have that ONE perfect counterpoint.  Find your counterpoint and hold onto them.  They get your weirdness, they accept your most insanely huge flaws and not only love you inspite of them, but because they make you who you are.  Find that person and don't fuck it up.

Embrace your Crazy.

Create your Happy.  Don't expect money to make it happen for you.

Develop yourself into something that you are proud of.

CHASE YOUR DREAMS.  And when you find them, take a moment to soak them in.

Be at awe of the force and beauty of nature and it's power.

Be Thankful for your blessings & thoughtful of those less fortunate.

Appreciate EVERY step. You  may never be able to walk this way again.

Show Respect

Even though it's scary.  Even though its unknown.  Even though sometimes it fails.  Even though it can hurt.
And if it fails...fall in love again.  And again.  Never stop.

Use your brain.  But let your heart make the final call because if everything is analytical; you will be empty inside the deepest parts of your soul.

Sit.  Stay.  Breathe.


We all struggle.  Keep your head above water...and when you reach shore, you will be stronger.

See Beauty in Everything.

Take the path less traveled and experience beauty and wonder no one else has...and if you are truly lucky, you will share those experiences with someone and those moments will remain in their heart.

Question Authority.

It's the little things.  It always has been and it always will be.  The little things can create and can kill.

Have faith in something other than yourself...have faith in someone else.  Know that those you have faith in may betray that faith and let you down but get back up and find faith again.

Find a place where your soul is at peace.  When times are their worst go there, even if only in spirit.

Risks are worth them sometimes.  Weigh them...and take the right ones.
(it also helps if you dont know the risks until after! LOL)

Hold those experiences close to the heart.  Cling to the best and most amazing memories even if they are some of the most painful.

Notice that it is never too late to restore something that is truly meaningful.  Things that are worth it, are rarely easy.

Look to the sky, it's hard to notice what is passing by with your eyes lowered.

Its not about what society says is beautiful, its about what opens your eyes.  Life is about seeing the saddest, most broken, most hopeless moments in someone's life and holding onto the beauty left in them long enough to see them through to the moments that make them shine.

Read the words that are put in front of your face for a reason.  Don't ignore them.

Pay attention...look  The world is happening around you!

Expect the unexpected.

Laugh at inappropriate things.

When things don't make sense, look from a different view point.  Suddenly, everything comes into focus and sometimes you realize you have been focusing on the wrong things.

Don't give up.  If its worth doing or worth having, pause and keep repeating.

We all need it...take it.

Sometimes we all break down, but that doesn't mean we're broken.

Know where you stand and what side of the fence you're on.  If you know you're right, stand strong in your convictions.

Suck it up, breathe deep, and take the plunge.

Let go of abandon and just run FREE!

Sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself.  

Know the people who stand tall by your side.  They might trip.  You might trip.  But a person who stands by you against all others is one who will be there through any storm.

Know why you do what you do.  Have conviction.


Stop.  Look.  And absorb the beauty around you.

Be unique and love yourself for your uniqueness.

Find a place, take a moment, and steal away for a secret kiss...because those moments fuel the fire that will consume you in the most amazing ways.  It is better to burn up in passion's flames than to freeze outside looking in the window longing to be held.

Take advantage of the moments life gives you.  Do not let them slip through your hands.

Don't close out your story before your time is up.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of over coming it.

More than anything, listen.  And when you listen, really hear.
The difference between listening to what is said, and in understanding.  If you choose to open your head, your heart, and your mind to the words the world has to offer;
there is no limit to what heights you can soar.  Life is about communicating, experiencing, and reminiscing.  Life is about stepping up, standing up, and making up.

If we can not stand by our own convictions and our own choices, then we have failed ourselves and harmed others in the process and then the challenge lies in looking our true selves in the face.

So tell me...
